Fly of the Month

Jay's Coffee Tampers

Coffee Tamper and African Hardwood Stand


For more Tamper Pictures Click this link

Toroid Milk Pitchers now available

Click image above for more info.

Commercially available African Hardwood Handles are hand turned the old fashioned way and can be made to user specification. These are turned exclusively from offcut waste.

Indigenous Wood Handles This timber was purchased from Red Ivory Trading and is from certified source's. Available species listed below.

Choice of Bases from high grade 316 SS or Bar Stock Aluminum

Each base can be custom cut to exactly match the filter basket.

 Contact Jay on +27 83 250 8211

To order email requirements to

Price Indication 316 SS Base with African Hardwood Handle R640.00 excluding shipping.

Indigenous Wood Species

Fever Tree. acacia xanthophloea
Wild Olive olea europaea subs. africana
White Pear apodytes dimidiata
White Stinkwood celtis africana
Ironwood olea capensis subsp. Macrocarpa
Candlewood pterocelastrus bicuspidata
Flat Crown albizia adianthifolia
Forest Alder nuxia floribunda
Red Ivory berchemia zeyheri
Coastal Red Milkwood mimusops caffra
Mopane Wood colophospermum mopane
Black Alder (Quar) psydrax obovata
Wit Els platylophus trifoliatus
Bitter Berry dovyalis sp
Tamboti spirostachys africana 

Cape Beech boekenhout Rapanea melanophloeos (L.) Mez

Panga Panga millettia stuhlmannii

Kiaat Pterocarpus angolensis

Chanfuta Afzelia Quanzensis

Yellowwood Podocarpus latifolius

Hard Pear Olinia ventosa

African Rosewood  Guibourtia coleosperma